First of all, to understand how miscommunication between different cultures happens we need to know the definition of the word ‘perception’. Perception is a process in which people proceed information from their environment. It is how we feel, hear, see or smell the world around us. In other words, perception is the process of attaining awareness and understanding information. Perception is culture- dependent and the largest part is taught by our parents, school and environment. The following example implies that, if children grow up in the same environment, live in de same neighborhood, go to the same school and have the same friends, their experiences and observations of the world will probably be the same. If all children in the neighborhood go to church on Sunday, none of the children would consider to go to the playground on that day. Because they have similarities in their perception it will be easier to communicate with each other, they now the rules. These similarities include language, rituals, beliefs, norms and values.
So back to cultures “First of all, what is a culture?” Culture is everything you have ever learned about how to communicate and how to think about things. You learn all this by, talking to others, observing how they talk to you and observing how others react to your way of talking. Communication between people with different backgrounds and perceptions is more complicated compared to communication between people with the same background. In general, it can be said that effective communication will occur if the cultural background of people is similar. The fact that perception is strongly influenced by culture implies that people with different cultural backgrounds can even assign different meanings to similar things. Thus, in all cultures a cat, a dog or an elephant may have the same label or name. However, the meaning of that name varies by cultural differences. In some cultures, like ours, a dog is a pet and companion, in other cultures it is regarded as functional and used for surveillance.
Language differences between people are the most typical indicators for intercultural communication. First of all people can hardly communicate with each other, but also the indirect effects have major consequences. Even if people use a third language, the mother-language still influences the effectiveness of the conversation. Thus, the mother-language influences the think and reasoning skills of people and their communications styles.
Language differences between people are the most typical indicators for intercultural communication. First of all people can hardly communicate with each other, but also the indirect effects have major consequences. Even if people use a third language, the mother-language still influences the effectiveness of the conversation. Thus, the mother-language influences the think and reasoning skills of people and their communications styles.
Non verbal communication
Also differences in nonverbal behaviors can provide misunderstandings in intercultural communication. Cultures differ in the way they use gestures such as, eye contact, emotional facial expression and touch behavior during the communication. When it comes to issues such as eye contact, distance and behaviors, a distinction can be made between ‘contact cultures’ and ‘non-contact’ cultures.
Also differences in nonverbal behaviors can provide misunderstandings in intercultural communication. Cultures differ in the way they use gestures such as, eye contact, emotional facial expression and touch behavior during the communication. When it comes to issues such as eye contact, distance and behaviors, a distinction can be made between ‘contact cultures’ and ‘non-contact’ cultures.
Standards and values
Cultures also differ in their standards and values, such as the way ‘sorrow’ and ‘joy’ are experienced. Also the way people perceive and structure time is different, in one culture it is an obligation to be on time, while in another culture, a more flexible view of time is used. For example doing more than one activity at the same time in Latin America can be seen as a sign of lack of attention and carelessness in North America.
Cultures also differ in their standards and values, such as the way ‘sorrow’ and ‘joy’ are experienced. Also the way people perceive and structure time is different, in one culture it is an obligation to be on time, while in another culture, a more flexible view of time is used. For example doing more than one activity at the same time in Latin America can be seen as a sign of lack of attention and carelessness in North America.
Business and globalization
Another important term connected to culture- communication is ‘globalization’ this is a process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through a global network of political ideas through communication, transportation and trade. Businesses are crossing bounderies. In this world, is doesn’t matter who you are or where you live, it doesn’t matter what nation or culture you come from, it is necessary to know some very important facts when it comes down to business across cultures.
Another important term connected to culture- communication is ‘globalization’ this is a process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through a global network of political ideas through communication, transportation and trade. Businesses are crossing bounderies. In this world, is doesn’t matter who you are or where you live, it doesn’t matter what nation or culture you come from, it is necessary to know some very important facts when it comes down to business across cultures.
Other people, although they may dress like you, speak your language or work in the same company, are different en not just like you. You will work with people who have different backgrounds, languages, gestures, humor, sense of time and ways of doing business. It is important to know the rules, if you are interacting with people from other cultures, you need to know something about them.
Inter- cultural understanding does not come overnight, it will only come with preparation, effort, and an open mind.
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