vrijdag 11 maart 2011

Learn about my generation

Generation Y (also known as the Millennials) is a term used for people born in de mid- 1980 and later. Some people within this generation are still teenagers others are around their thirty’s . I am born in 1987 and somewhere in the middle of this generation ‘Y’.  They say, people in this generation (twenty and thirty- something) have a number of striking characteristics. First of all, they feel that freedom and self-determination are really valuable. They do not want to be limited in their choices so they keep all options open. On the other hand, next to this freedom, the current twenty and thirty- something person wants to bond, connect and settle more often. Also, self development must contribute to the society. It seems to be that freedom and solidarity are no opposites for my generation.  Because of this freedom, many young adults do not know what they really want. For example, there are a large number of study and career opportunities. It is not uncommon for this generation to be stuck in their own choices.  People within generation Y are in their 20’s and are just entering the workforce, they are the fastest growing segment of today’s workforce. This new generation is beginning to interfere in business and government. Within organizations a generation switch is taking place. This process can be positive to the economic and social health of organizations.  One problem is that this new generation takes over existing and old routines within the company. Young people know where new approaches are needed, but their knowledge and strengths are often underestimated. Too often they adapt to and are absorbed by existing cultures within the company.

 Miscommunication between different generations within the Company

Awareness of the generation differences within the company can ovoid miscommunication for example between managers and employees. Take a look at the following example;
An experienced older manager presents his strategic vision to a group of young employees (generation Y). This distinct vision stimulates the group of young employees to think. Within a short period the group of young employees point out the exact weak part of the strategy. The manager is visibly disappointed and again he explains what he meant. With a persuasive strategy he seeks for support within the group, but this is not happening. The manager does not recognize the added value of this new group employees and they will fee useless. Eventually their attention drops away. 

This example illustrates the importance of awareness of the generation differences within a company.  To integrate this ‘generation switch’, a lot of time, awareness and cooperation is needed to succeed. If young managers and professionals learn from the day they enter the organization how to convert their knowledge into good work, a connection between cooperating and learning existing. This should be accompanied by the awareness of the value of each generation ‘old and young’. Integrating the new into the existing is the key point.

What to know about generation Y

Family- Centric: The fast- track has lost much of its appeal for Generation Y who is willing to trade high pay for fewer billable hours, flexible schedules and a better work/ life balance. While older generations may view this attitude as narcissistic or lacking commitment, discipline and drive, generation Y legal professionals have a different vision of workplace expectations and prioritize family over work.

Tech- Savvy: Generation Y grew up with technology and rely on it to perform their jobs better. Armed with Blackberrys, laptops, cellphones and other gadgets, Generation Y is plugged- in 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This generation prefers to communicate through e-mail and text messaging rather than face- to- face contact and webinars and online technology to traditional lecture- based presentations.

Achievement- Oriented:Nurtured and pampered by parents who dit not want to make the same mistakes of the previous generations, Generation Y is confident, ambitious and achievement oriented. They have high expectations of their employers, seek out new challanges and are not afraid of question authority. Generation Y wants meaningful work and a solid learning curve.

Team Oriented:As children, Generation Y participated in team sports and play other group activities. They value teamwork and seek the input and affirmation of others. Part of a no-person-left-behind generation, generation Y is loyal, committed and wants to be included and involved.

Attention Craving:Generation Y craves attention in the forms of feedback and guidance. They appreciate being kept in the loop and seek frequent praise and reassurance. Generation Y may benefit greatly from mentors who can help guide and develop their young careers.

So, that's it for this week, thanks for visiting and reading my blog i hope you find it interesting. Next week their will be a new topic on miscommunication..

See you next time...


donderdag 10 maart 2011

Actie Koninklijke marine in Libie mislukt door miscommunicatie?

Maart 2011

De reddingsactie door drie Nederlandse militairen in Libië is mogelijk mislukt door onvoldoende inlichtingen vooraf, of doordat de hele operatie verraden is. Dat zegt defensie-expert Rob de Wijk. Als ze gedood zouden worden, dan was dat al gebeurd de afgelopen dagen.Bij de mislukte reddingsactie, bij de stad Sirte, kwamen drie Nederlandse militairen in handen van het Libische regime van Muammar Khaddafi. Een boordhelikopter vloog vanaf marinefregat Hr. Ms. Tromp naar de Libische stad om daar twee evacués op te pikken.Na de landing werd de bemanning overvallen door een gewapende groep regeringsgezinde Libiërs,Premier Rutte zegt op alle mogelijke niveau’s diplomatiek verkeer” te hebben met de Libische autoriteiten. Het is een verschrikkelijke kwestie. Verder kan ik er in het belang van de gevangen militairen in Libië geen mededelingen over doen.”

september 2010
Miscommunicatie leidde bijna tot drama boven Londen
In Londen is een vliegtuigdrama maar net vermeden. Een vliegtuig van Turkish Airlines met 232 passagiers aan boord kwam boven de olympische site van de stad op een haar na in botsing met een zakenvliegtuig. Dat blijkt uit een officieel rapport dat gisteren is vrijgegeven. Miscommunicatie en een menselijke fout lagen aan de basis van de 'bijna -botsing'.

Het incident speelde zich op 27 juli van vorig jaar af en leidde ertoe dat de luchtverkeerleiders nieuwe en strengere veiligheidsmaatregelen in gebruik hebben genomen om een drama boven de Britse hoofdstad te vermijden.

Het zakenvliegtuig, een Cessna Citation, met twee bemanningsleden en één passagier aan boord was net opgestegen van London City Airport, toen de piloot van de controletoren toestemming kreeg om te klimmen tot 3.000 voet. De piloot antwoordde dat hij zou klimmen tot 4.000 voet, maar die boodschap werd niet opgepikt door de controletoren.