maandag 7 februari 2011

How does miscommunication happen?

Miscommunication frequently occurs in our everyday lives. This is a result of many different factors as information is transmitted

When we misinterpret the real meaning of words, miscommunication can happen. We get a different meaning of the words than they intended.  Miscommunication occurs when the recipient receives a message other than those intended by the sender. Different factors can be responsible for miscommunication.  I want to tell you something about the two most important questions.
How does miscommunication happen? And what can you do to avoid this? With a little knowledge of communication you can approve the relationship with friends, family, colleges and your partner.  

We use social media to communicate
Nowadays, there is a lot of Computer- Mediated Communication (CMD). CMD is communication that takes place between people through the instrumentality of computers. For example, Facebook, MSN, Hyves, Twitter or E-mail. We can’t deny that this way of communication changed the way people interact and communicate with each other.  There are changes noticed that occur through the use of communication technology in the way people interact, communicate and interact. When we are using Social Media such as Facebook or Hyves we are not communicating in the real time, the context of the other person is missing. This form of Asynchronous communication does not allow immediate feedback or response, so our minds will interpret what the other person is saying based upon their words alone. 

Our minds fill in missing information based on fear
Our minds will fill in the missing information with our own creative insight.
Think about your boy/ girlfriend who forgot the call you or send you a text message when he or she is going out with friends. Because the lack of communication in this case, you will begin to worry and your mind will immediately switch to fear mode. Did something happen? Is he/ she cheating?  Are thoughts are often fear- based, our minds will always think of the worst possible outcomes based on our fears and insecurities.

Our mood
Our mood could also play a large factor in miscommunication. A person in a anger mood may easily interpret the most innocuous statement as something filled with malice. Hence, it is important to consider the non-verbal aspects of communication as importantly as you would consider what a person says.
What can we do?
In conclusion, miscommunications occur when one side doesn’t communicate enough information to us, or when we misinterpret the meaning of certain words or gestures.

First of all, put in the time and effort to ensure that your message is properly received and interpreted by the other person.
Second, keep an open and alert mind and be aware that our brains will fill in missing information by itself.
Third, do not adopt a certain truth about the other person until you know exactly from them what they are thinking.

Fourth, to transfere information choose and use the right medium.
Finally, keep your mind open to additional possibilities, you can break the assumption triangle and prevent miscommunication conflict from happening.
“Simply tell yourself, my thoughts may all be true, but  I don’t know the truth yet

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Really nice blog and layout !

  2. Interesting post and very recognizable!

    My blog is about the fact that people are biased in making decisions, so we don't choose what makes us happy, interested?
